'Women on the Land' Writing Competition - entries open

Saturday 4 June 2011, 7:35AM

By Rural Women New Zealand


Do you have an inspiring story to tell or a poem to share about New Zealand farming women and their lives, either now or from the past?

South Canterbury members of Rural Women New Zealand (RWNZ) are putting together a collection of writing with the theme “Women on the Land”, and are running a competition to find winning pieces to include.

“We’re looking for stories and poems about the pioneering women who shaped our land as well as the farming women of today,” says Margaret Chapman, RWNZ’s South Canterbury Provincial President.

“The anthology is a special way to recognise and record the lives of these women and their valuable contribution to the rich tapestry of rural life.

“We’d like writing about how the women felt, how they coped and what gave them the courage, determination and inspiration to do what they did and continue to do,” says Chapman.

The nationwide competition is open to both men and women. The entries (which may include works of fiction as well as non-fiction and poetry) will be judged, with first, second and third prizes of $500, $250 and $100.

Over 50 pieces will be selected to be published in the book, due out in April next year.

Closing date for entries is 21 August 2011. Entry forms are available at