Film Society Presents Local Short Films Night

Friday 10 June 2011, 3:47PM

By Queenstown Film Society



Queenstown Film Society is presenting a show case of short films with a local flavour on Tuesday 21 June at Dorothy Browns Cinema

There will be at least seven short films shown on the night, all with a local connection but covering a diverse range of subjects and styles.

“We had a great response to our invitation to local film-makers to submit short pieces to be shown as part of our 2011 programme” Society member Tracey Cunningham said, “We’ve been blown away by the quality of the films we’ve received.”

Ms Cunningham said the film makers had all addressed very different themes.

“We’ve had everything from films about adventure sports and environmental issues to travel and what it means to live in the district,” she said. “Our talented film makers come from all walks of life and our youngest is just 12 years old, so we have great future talent growing up in the area.”

Highlights of the night will include a comical take on mountain biking, featuring Pete “McGnarly” pulling off some awe-inspiring moves, and the quickest round the world travel show the Society has ever seen.

“It’s a great opportunity for locals to check out the work of some of our wonderfully creative locals and also find out more about how the Queenstown Film Society works, “ she said “

Admission to the Short Film Evening is restricted to Film Society members. New members can join the Film Society before any screening. There is also the option of a three-film sampler - an ideal way to enjoy the Local Short Films night and get a taste of what the Film Society is all about. Visit for more details.