Wellington Combined Taxis abandon voice recording option from their new Security Camera System
Friday 17 June 2011, 4:49PM
By Wellington Combined Taxis Ltd
Wellington Combined Taxis Chairman Warren Quirke announced today that the voice recording capability of the new security camera system currently being installed in their 500 taxis will not now be activated.
Mr. Quirke said “that although the security camera system they have purchased to enhance the safety of their drivers and passengers included an optional voice recording capability, we have decided against enabling the voice recording option out of our concern that customers may feel their entitlement to privacy is at risk”
Mr. Quirke continued, by saying “that despite the fact that recordings of both images and voice could only have been accessed under very strict incident related protocols by the NZ Police, the New Zealand Transport Agency or an authorized senior company manager, it has nevertheless been decided to abandon the voice recording option, as we have listened to our many loyal customers
who have made it clear that they expect their private conversations in taxis to remain private”