Council responding to surface flooding issues

Saturday 18 June 2011, 8:06PM

By Whakatane District Council



Whakatane District Council is closely monitoring the weather situation and responding to localised surface flooding in Whakatane and Ohope. However, with the rain easing the situation is expected to improve over the next few hours.

The Council’s Civil Defence Controller Diane Turner says at this stage we are mainly dealing with localised road surface flooding and we asking motorists to drive with care and to drive the conditions.

“If possible avoid making unnecessary trips and we urge drivers to listen to the radio and check the Council’s website ( for latest updates. All our other critical infrastructure is operating as normal”.

Mrs Turner said the Council will continue closely monitoring the situation for the next few hours and people are being asked to stay way from rivers as they can quickly rise without warning.

The Council advices that the following roads status:

Area: Whakatane

Name Status Comments

Tui St Closed Surface flooding
Weka St Closed Surface flooding
Quay st Closed Surface flooding
Apanui Ave Closed Surface flooding
Hillcrest Road Closed Surface flooding
Muriwai Rd Closed Surface flooding
Taneatua Rd Closed Landslip
Muriwai Dr Closed Landslip
Herepuru Rd Closed Slips

A welfare centre has been at Ohope Christian Centre to accommodate people evacuated from West End Road by the Police after a landslip damaged a home in the area. An additional welfare centre will be opened at the Whakatane War Memorial Hall should the need arise