Amnesty on overdue library books

Waikato District Council

Tuesday 21 June 2011, 10:06AM

By Waikato District Council



Waikato district library users with lost or significantly overdue items can return them at no charge and without question during the Waikato District Council’s library amnesty during the month of July.

All six Waikato district libraries; Huntly, Meremere, Ngaruawahia, Raglan, Te Kauwhata and Tuakau are offering the lost item amnesty.

Huntly Library’s customer delivery team leader Denise Lamb said the amnesty will only apply to borrowed items that are more than 35 days overdue or have been classed as “lost” on the user’s library card.

“It won’t apply to rental charges on returned items, and overdue fees cannot be retroactively claimed back,” says Ms/Mrs/Miss Lamb.

“We encourage everyone who has any of these items to bring them back any time during July and to continue to use the libraries, with a totally clean slate.”