Two Discussion Document Due to Close
The Palmerston North City Council would like to remind residents that submissions for both the Ashhurst Residential Growth Review and the Rural-Residential Land Use Discussion Document will be closing this week.
The aim of the Ashhurst Residential Growth Review is to look at areas for possible residential growth in Ashhurst. Six possible growth options have been identified and Council is now seeking feedback from residents on these options. Comments from consultation will help in identifying the preferred areas to be rezoned as part of the Sectional District Plan Review.
The Rural-Residential Land Use Discussion Document is looking at how it might improve rural-residential areas commonly referred to as lifestyle blocks. The document sets out a series of questions to generate discussion on where rural-residential development might occur and to make sure it does not undermine the sustainable management of the City’s rural land resource.
Some of the issues likely to be considered are increased volumes of traffic, availability of services to new lifestyle lots and the ability to retain the character of rural environments where new developments are proposed.
“The look, feel and function of our rural residential areas play an important part in making our city a desirable place to live, work and play,” Council Senior Policy Planner Cynthia Ward said.
If you have not yet made your submission to either of the discussion documents, the closing date is Friday 24 June 2011.
Copies of the above documents and feedback forms are available at the Customer Service Centre, on the PNCC website,, or by emailing to