Popular Trout Lakes Close for Winter Rest

Fish and Game NZ

Tuesday 28 June 2011, 7:07PM

By Fish and Game NZ


Joe Fleet of Rotorua tries his luck at Tarawera. Photo Mark Sherburn
Joe Fleet of Rotorua tries his luck at Tarawera. Photo Mark Sherburn Credit: Fish & Game NZ


The season for boat fishing is drawing to a close on three of Rotorua’s lakes Thursday, (June 30th, midnight) – but there’s still plenty of other sport fishing opportunities.

Fish & Game says the three lakes are Tarawera, Rotoiti and Okataina - which re-open to boat fishing on October 1 when the new fishing season gets underway.

Fish & Game Eastern Region Officer Matt Osborne says fishers should note the closure applies not only to boat fishing on the three lakes, but also the upper reaches of some of the Rotorua streams – including the Ngongotaha, Waiteti and the Ohau Channel.

“the three lakes – all popular with boaties – are shut to winter fishing to allow them to have a rest from fish harvesting, but fishing from the shoreline is still permitted.”

There are a number of sites around these lakes where anglers can target large mature fish that are coming in to look for places to spawn, he says. “This is when a lot of excellent fish are caught.”

People who still want to go boat fishing still have a number of other lakes to choose from - including lakes Rotorua, Rotoma, Okareka and Rerewhakaaitu - and we encourage people to try them, Matt says.

A number of lakes are open all year for fly fishing and spinning. Details can be found on the Fish & Game website:

Most sports shops and fishing stores also hold pamphlets with information on fishing opportunities and the regulations - or anglers can call the Fish & Game office (07-357 5501) for tips on where to go.