Funding for Heritage Projects Now Available
Palmerston North City Council would like to notify residents that they can now apply to the Natural and Cultural Heritage Incentive Fund for assistance for heritage projects.
The Palmerston North City District Plan encourages the protection and management of natural and cultural heritage in the city.
If you need help to repair, strengthen or improve a listed heritage building, you may be able to apply for financial assistance.
To be eligible to apply for funding the property must be privately owned and listed in the District Plan or Historic Places Trust Register of buildings/objects/sites.
“We protect these buildings through the District Plan and the fund complements and helps to offset those necessary regulatory provisions,” Matthew Mackay City Council Policy Planner said.
The fund is also available to assist those who wish to carry out heritage research, education or promotion.
Applications and guidelines can be found here or by contacting Matthew Mackay on 06 356 8199 or
Applications close on Friday 29 July 2011.