Boscawen Welcomes Police Findings In Garrett Case

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 10:19AM

By John Boscawen


ACT New Zealand Parliamentary Leader Hon John Boscawen is welcoming news that the Police investigation into allegations of possible fraud by former Act MP Mr David Garrett has ended with a finding that there was no criminal behaviour on Mr Garrett’s part.

“I’m delighted for David Garrett that he now has legal closure in this matter,” Mr Boscawen says.

“David can be proud of the contribution he made in his short time as an MP, making New Zealanders safer with his Three Strikes legislation.

“Now that a thorough investigation has found there are no valid reasons to lay charges against him, he should be left alone to get on with his life.

“I personally wish him all the best,” Mr Boscawen concludes.