Alliance Party commends union action to save Hillside
The Alliance Party has commended members of the Rail and Maritime Transport Union at the Port of Tauranga for having the courage to try to stop Kiwirail's consignment of Chinese built wagons from coming into the country and destroying Kiwi jobs.
These workers will gain nothing personally by their action, says Alliance Party co-leader Murray, but are taking the action in solidarity with 70 workers at Hillside and Woburn workshops who will lose their jobs because KiwiRail has decided to get its rolling stock built overseas.
"They will do it for the unemployed for whom new jobs would be created if KiwiRail builds its rolling stock in New Zealand, and for the local businesses that would benefit from subcontracts and workers spending their money in their home towns."
"They will do it for the highly skilled trade training opportunities that would be made available for young people by building all the rolling stock in New Zealand. And they will do it because of the benefits it will bring the New Zealand economy."
The Alliance hopes that all New Zealanders will support the Tauranga workers and make it clear to the Government that we all agree with them, says Ms Murray.
"We want to see KiwiRail support Kiwi workers first and foremost. And we want the government to make sure that KiwiRail does this by insisting that it build all of the new rolling stock needed in New Zealand."