Genesis Energy Lake to Lighthouse Challenge

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 10:48AM

By Wairoa Community Development Trust



Australian adventure publication Outer Edge posed the question – “Is this the world’s toughest multisport event ?” after Aussie Multisport champion Jarad Kohlar was humbled by the 2010 Genesis Energy Lake to Lighthouse Challenge, a two day event that loops Lake Waikaremoana and heads to Wairoa on the Hawkes Bay coast the second . Kohlar’s expected challenge to world and three times “L2L“ champion kiwi Richard Ussher faded just halfway through the day one 46km run stage that traverses the entire Lake Waikaremoana Great Walk Track.

Now for 2011, event owners the Wairoa Community Development Trust have added more options to the iconic Northern Hawkes Bay multisport race. Event Director Chris Joblin - “ We acknowledge that L2L is a very tough event, requiring considerable fitness and commitment, both financially and in training. While the race attracts the cream of NZ’s Multisport elite, we also want to provide more accessible options for aspiring local and regional competitors”. “Last year the we added L2L Lite, the Genesis Energy Lake to Lighthouse Challenge day two only option – now for 2011 we have created the Waikaremoana Classic + Duathlon one day event to run concurrently with day one of L2L”

Wairoa Community Development Trust Chair, Fenton Wilson states “In keeping with its objectives of promoting the region and enhancing the health, social and economic wellbeing of our communities, the WCDT want to ensure that as many people as possible are able to participate in the three day social, cultural and sporting experience that is the Genesis Energy Lake to Lighthouse Challenge”

The new Waikaremoana Classic + Duathlon will be held on day one of the Genesis Energy Lake to Lighthouse Challenge, starting and finishing in Tuai Village on Friday 18th November 2011.

The 42km Classic option will commence with a 15km mountain bike ride to Home Bay, Lake Waikaremoana. A 12km loop kayak stage on the Lake will return paddlers to Home Bay before a 15km run across the Ngamoko range back to the Tuai Start / Finish line. The event is open to individuals or teams of two or three.

The 30km Duathlon option will exclude the kayak stage, with competitors transitioning at Home Bay from mountain bike directly into the run. The Duathlon will be open to individuals only.

Both event options will be open to three age groups to Rangatahi / student (15-17yrs) Pakeke / Adult (18-39yrs) and Kaumatua / Veteran (40yrs+) Teams will be classified by male, female or mixed gender and there will be special awards for those individual and team place getters who are able to nominate an Iwi affiliation with entry.

“Last year we had an amazing 40 entrants from Wairoa alone in the main event” Chris Joblin adds “but we believe that the Waikaremoana Classic + Duathlon will open up multisport to many more, with options available to anyone with a basic level of fitness and entry fees starting from as low as $60 per individual”

Early bird entries for the Waikaremoana Classic + Duathlon are open online now at and include race packs, camping sites, two evening functions with entertainment, plus sports massage at the finish. A festival celebration of all things Waikaremoana is also planned for Friday 18th, including live entertainment, food and craft stalls and educational presentations.