Rotorua library will stock controversial Wishart book

Wednesday 6 July 2011, 3:03PM

By Rotorua District Council



Rotorua District Council chief executive Peter Guerin says the Rotorua District Library will be purchasing a copy or copies of the controversial Ian Wishart book ‘Breaking Silence: the Kahui case’, as it fitted within the clear guidelines of the library's Collection Management Plan.

However, he said Library officials had yet to see the book as it was not due to be published until next month.

The book was written by author Ian Wishart after he was approached by the mother of the Kahui twins who died from serious injuries in 2006. The twins’ father was subsequently found not guilty of the infants’ murder and his defence claimed their mother was responsible for the injuries.

'Breaking Silence’ has caused a major controversy with boycott threats made against stores choosing to sell the book, and two major retail chains announcing that they will not stock it.

Mr Guerin said the District Library’s Collection Management Plan included a section called 'Freedom of Choice'.

“This states that books will not be excluded on the grounds of the political, social, moral or religious views of the authors, nor excluded simply because the material may give offence.

"That means we will make 'Breaking Silence' available to our library members and let readers make up their own minds about its contents, as we do with all books we stock.

Mr Guerin said he anticipated a lot of interest in Ian Wishart's book and if people were not able to purchase a copy they would expect to be able to borrow it from their local library.