Earthquake seminars set to inform Christchurch's key influencers


Friday 8 July 2011, 8:36AM

By Bayleys


Harry Van Tongeren
Harry Van Tongeren Credit: Bayleys


A group of leading Christchurch and national businesses has banded together to create a series of seminars on the rebuilding of the earthquake damaged city.

A New Christchurch – From the Ground Up is the result of a collaboration between ANZ bank, Bayleys Real Estate, registered valuers TelferYoung, law firm Wynn Williams & Co, and architects Warren and Mahoney.

The invitation-only seminars begin on July 7 with presentations from Professor Jarg Pettinga, head of department of geological sciences at the University of Canterbury, and Warren and Mahoney principal Richard McGowan.

An initial five seminars are planned over the next three months, with more to be held in conjunction with the release of the draft Central City Plan by the Christchurch City Council.

Additional speakers confirmed for the seminars are ANZ chief economist Cameron Bagrie, engineering consultancy Structex founder and director Geoff Banks, and Telfer Young director Chris Stanley.

Bayleys Christchurch commercial sales manager Harry Van Tongeren said the seminars would differ from those already held in Christchurch as they were specifically aimed at the key influencers in the city – major landlords and tenants, major retailers, community groups, government agencies, architects, builders and developers.

“All of the businesses involved had a similar ambition to hold a series of seminars, and we felt it would be more appropriate to combine our skills and knowledge to provide added value to those attending,” he said.

“The seminars will provide information on the current situation as it develops on topical and important points of interest regarding both the seismic activity occurring in the city, what this means for the rebuild – such as the requirements for existing and new building, and the economic outlook for Christchurch and Canterbury as a result of the earthquakes.

“Other topics the seminars are likely to cover include are how the new look Christchurch will operate, and how it will retain its attractiveness for new investors and for people moving to the city.”

Wynn Williams & Co partner Jonathan Gillard said the seminars aimed to allow key participants to have a better understanding of the rebuilding and economic activity as it unfolds, and how it would affect on their particular area of interest in Christchurch.

Each seminar will be held at Bayleys Christchurch office in Deans Avenue. Anyone unable to attend the seminars can view a video of the presentations online or download a PowerPoint presentation after the event by logging on to