Earthquake Prone Building Policy Released for Community Consultation

Tararua District Council

Friday 8 July 2011, 8:41AM

By Tararua District Council



Tararua District Council have adopted and released the draft June 2011 Earthquake Prone Building Policy. This is available on the council website and at the service centres throughout the district. Written public comments can be made up until 20 July 2011. Council has a statutory authority under Section 131 of the Building Act to have a current policy in place that enables clear steps leading to identification of earthquake prone buildings within the district. This will protect both visitors and users of the buildings, and balance the social and economic costs present from earthquake prone buildings.

Councillors acknowledged that whilst this policy is required by statute, it is recognised that the financial impact is mainly on the building owner. Initially this work will be done using our Building Control Officers; however, the structural assessments will need to be signed off by a suitably qualified professional engineer. As part of the Annual Plan, Council approved a budget of $10,000 for 2011-2012 to start these assessments and additionally approved structural assessments on heritage buildings being funded from the Heritage Fund.