New Version of Pinocchio For School Holidays in Wellington

Monday 11 July 2011, 9:59AM

By Kapitall Kids Theatre


Pinocchio with Mr Fox and Ms Cat
Pinocchio with Mr Fox and Ms Cat Credit: Kapitall Kids Theatre


A new adaptation of the original story of Pinocchio with ten fresh songs is sure to excite young audiences during the coming school holidays, says director Mary Coffey.

Composing the score for The Adventures of Pinocchio is the Wellington swansong for Radio New Zealand musician and teacher Carey McDonald before moving to Taupo for two years.

“I’m very pleased to have had Carey involved in writing great original songs for this production,” says Mary. “The cast contains very talented singers and dancers who are having a lot of fun turning Carey’s work into funny and engaging routines.”

Artist and photographer Jared Pallesen, who plays Pinocchio, was in the Wellington production of Starlight Express and recently starred in Rent at Lower Hutt Little Theatre. Puppeteer Anna Bailey helped Jared learn how to move like a marionette.

“Anna brought her marionettes to rehearsal and I found the whole process of learning to act like I have strings attached fascinating,” says Jared. Mary drew from the original story of Pinocchio by Carlo Collodi in her new adaptation of the classic fairy tale of the wooden boy who just wants to be real.

“Collodi’s story is much darker and scarier than the Disney version. My version is a compromise between the two. It’s less saccharine than Disney, but not so scary as to frighten the youngest audience members.”
Mary and her crew have faced a huge challenge in making Pinocchio’s famous nose grow. But they are keeping tight-lipped about the theatre tricks they have employed.

“Suffice it to say, the magic of magnets comes into it,” says Mary. “We’re just hoping it doesn’t pop out at inappropriate moments!”

The Adventures of Pinocchio is most suitable for children aged 4 to 9 years, but hose younger and older should be entertained as well. Pinocchio plays at the Gryphon Theatre, 22 Ghuznee Street from 19 to 30 July. Performances are at 11 am and 1 pm on weekdays and at 11 am only on Saturdays.

Tickets are $10 or $9 for groups of 10 or more and can be booked online at, by email to or by calling (04) 934 4068.