Hastings moves to recycle a wider range of plastics

Friday 15 July 2011, 2:40PM

By Hastings District Council



Hastings District Councils recycling programme has expanded to include a wider range of plastic material.

Prior to this month, only grades one and two plastics were accepted for recycling through both the kerbside recycling collection and the district recycling depots. That included fizzy drink, water, juice, milk and household cleaner bottles.

From July 1st the Council’s recycling programme has expanded to include items manufactured from grades three to seven plastic. Now being identified as suitable for recycling are ice-cream tubs, yogurt and margarine pots, take away containers, frozen food bags and many more plastic items which are in daily use. Look out for the recycling symbol!

Unfortunately there are still some types of plastic that are not able to be recycled. Items made from expanded polystyrene, meat trays, thin plastic (like chippie packets) and large plastic items such as outside furniture and children’s toys should still go in your rubbish.

Waste Minimisation Planner Angela Atkins says” the new recycling programme is another step along the path to significantly reduce the amount of plastic waste being disposed of in the Omarunui landfill.”

Angela Atkins says” as plastic is made from oil, every item recycled contributes to savings of raw materials, water use and energy requirements for production.”

Other items which can be put out for recycling are steel and aluminium cans, paper and cardboard and glass bottles and jars.
“Next time you are putting something in the bin, take a second to think how you can recycle it. Alternatively visit the staff at the recycling depot at Henderson Road to find out what other materials can be recycled here in Hastings” Angela Atkins says.

To find out more about recycling go to