Queenstown recreation ground closes for RWC2011 turf preparation

Sunday 17 July 2011, 8:23PM

By Queenstown Lakes District Council



In order to meet RWCNZ turf requirements the Queenstown Recreation Ground has been closed for RWC2011 turf preparation and training until September 20 2011. Queenstown will be hosting England, Ireland, Romania and Georgia during RWC2011 and both at the Queenstown Events Centre Oval and the Queenstown Recreation Ground will be utilised for training during the teams stay.

RWC2011 is fast approaching and the Lakes Leisure turf team is well into their preparations to ensure the grounds will be in top condition for the team’s arrival. There are extremely stringent standards in place regarding the quality of turf that must be provided for the teams in order to meet the Queenstown Lakes District Councils contract with RWCNZ.

One of the main requirements is that there are no grass bare areas larger than 50mm in diameter and to ensure this not only is worm eradication essential, due to the worm activity sealing the ground surface and inhibiting drainage, but it is also necessary to limit access to the grounds to protect them from damage. This is particularly important in Queenstown due to the cold temperatures. Grass doesn’t grow in ground temperatures of less than 8 degrees and therefore cannot recover from any wear and tear.

Lakes Leisure Turf Manager Pete Domigan described the standards set by RWCNZ as challenging but is confident they will be met.

“Turf management is always a challenge in Queenstown at this time of year, but so long as we are working to schedule and we protect the grounds from any use over the next few cold months we won’t have any problems delivering the visiting teams a top quality playing surface. We realise that this will cause some frustrations and ask the community for patience as we endeavour to look after the condition of the grounds,” he said.

Ireland and England will be training at the Queenstown Events Centre Oval and Romania and Georgia will be using the Queenstown Recreation Ground. The teams will be in Queenstown for both training and recreation during the following periods:

· Ireland 1-7 September

· Georgia 5-10 September

· Romania 11-14 September

· England 11-15 September

With only 6 weeks left until Queenstown welcomes the teams there is much to look forward to in the community. A ballot is being run to give everyone a chance to attend one of the two Civic Welcomes being held in Queenstown for Ireland and Georgia. Entries can be made at the QLDC offices on Gorge Road. For RWC events the REAL New Zealand Festival has plenty on offer. Go to for more information on festival events.