Glen Warren Reserves Updates

Waitaki District Council

Monday 18 July 2011, 9:44AM

By Waitaki District Council



The Waitaki District Council recently completed harvest of 12.3 hectares of radiate pine from Glen Eden and Glen Warren Reserves. Property manager, Dougall McIntyre explained that Council had been monitoring the forest for several years in terms of growth rates and the quality of the trees. “We subsequently decided to push the green light when we saw the market improving at the same time our forestry managers we telling us the forest was nearing the end of its useful life,” he said. Mr McIntyre said “we were delighted with the final outcome which has far exceeded our pre-harvest expectation”.

Council Forestry Manager and Consultant Allan Laurie confirmed the operation was undertaken with very few hitches other than a lengthy delay in the middle of the harvest due to wet weather. Mr Laurie explained while the delays were frustrating at the time, Council has harvested the trees during the highest log price period experienced in recent years. “This has meant Council has been able to achieve far higher returns than our pre-harvest estimates which we are absolutely thrilled about”.

Mr Laurie recognised the time taken to harvest the pine may have been frustrating for those members of the public who regularly use the area. However, Council is now working with a landscape architect to review the area for tree planting that will enhance the area for recreational users in the future. Mr Laurie noted that the harvesting operation had been “ultimately a win-win for all involved”.

Existing trails will be reinstated. Council will consult with the public on the concept plan when it develops a reserves management plan.