Claudelands Opening Edgestravaganza a Success for Hamilton!

Wednesday 20 July 2011, 9:17PM

By Claudelands



Saturday night in Hamilton saw some of music’s most exciting acts break in the acoustic panels of the new Claudelands Arena, in a line-up which included Dane Rumble, Midnight Youth, Stan Walker, Kids of 88, The Potbelleez, Zowie and Illegal Musik Showcase, and drew over 3000 ecstatic fans.

The event also successfully showcased Claudelands to a group of music and event industry professionals who were invited to witness its debut live music show.

Oceania lighting designer Stefaan Simons said Claudelands would open the way for more high profile events to be hosted in Hamilton because “it is up there with the other top-of-the-line venues”.
Claudelands director of business development and marketing Murray Jeffrey said the event exceeded all expectations and Claudelands had passed its first test with top marks.

“The response from performers, spectators and production experts was unanimously positive so it worked extremely well from both an industry and the audience’s perspective. We can’t wait to have more International shows like this in Hamilton. We are ready for it, the public are ready for it - bring it on!”

Future events at Claudelands include

The NZ Breakers verses Wollongong Hawks – Thurs 15 September

The Smokefree Rockquest National Finals – Sat 17 September

Kiwi Cream - Showcase of Contemporary New Zealand Music – Sat 17 September