Quake Review Panel Fee Outrage Raises ECan Commission Fee Questions

Thursday 21 July 2011, 3:04PM

By ECan In Exile



The news that the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Review Panel fees are well in excess of official guidelines raises questions as to whether Canterbury regional ratepayers are being overcharged for the governments ECan Commissioners fees and ECan in Exile is calling for each of the governments ECan Commissioners itemised fees, expenses to be published quarterly on the ECan website.

According to official papers made public recently the Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee sought “exceptional” fees for the quake decision panel, above the usual range established in the Cabinet Fees Framework of $360-$655 a day for a chairman and $270-$415 for members.

“The exceptional fees awarded to the quake panel show a remarkable similarity to the fees awarded to the governments ECan commissioners and raises the question as to whether ECan ratepayers are being overcharged for the National led governments unelected commissioners,” ECan in Exiles Helen Isra said.

“On current figures the amount over overcharging, over that authorised under the fees framework, could be considerable at up to $472,000 for the last year, excluding traveling and other expenses,” Isra said

ECan in Exile is calling for much better transparency of Commissioners remuneration, including itemised fees, expenses to be published at least quarterly on ECans website in a similar manner to that undertaken by EQC on its website.

For the full story go to ECan in Exile