Kaiapoi speculation unfair and disappointing

Thursday 28 July 2011, 4:19PM

By Gerry Brownlee



Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Minister Gerry Brownlee says speculation by The Christchurch Press and others that a decision about orange zoned land in Kaiapoi is due next week is irresponsible.

“Publishing pure speculation shows no sensitivity to the people living in the area. They want a well considered and robust decision, not something rushed to meet a headline’s expectation,” Mr Brownlee said.

“As a homeowner in an orange zone I know the deep frustration, and at times despair, the uncertainty waiting for land information brings.

“So I’ve been cautious not to put up dates and deadlines that if not met simply add to the turmoil.

“I also know landowners will expect a proper consideration of all factors that must be determined before any decision can be announced.

“I am deeply disappointed the front page of The Press has taken a cheap shot at people’s futures by publishing maps compiled seven months ago.

“The June 13 earthquakes did further damage to the land and we need to re-assess the areas in Kaiapoi. Results will be announced once analysis of that work is completed and compiled in a manner which allows the government to make decisions.

“From tomorrow Kaiapoi residents will be receiving a letter providing a clearer expected timeframe for decisions and announcements around the reclassification of their area to either green or red.

“I told residents of my intention to write to them this week in my previous letter to them on 29 June, and I announced that the letter would go out this week to media at last Friday’s weekly briefing.

“There were two Press journalists there. No surprises – they weren’t listening.”