Government to sign Relationship Accord with Communities

Tariana Turia

Tuesday 2 August 2011, 2:58PM

By Tariana Turia


Monday, 1 August, will mark an important milestone in work being progressed to build stronger relationships between communities and government.

Prime Minister, John Key, and Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector, Tariana Turia, will join with a wide variety of community and government representatives, Ministers and MPs in Parliament’s Grand Hall to sign and celebrate the Kia Tūtahi Standing Together Relationship Accord.

“The Accord is a significant step in an ongoing journey to improve relationships between communities and government” said Mrs Turia.

Mrs Turia says the Accord signals the commitment from both government and communities to work together to achieve positive social, economic and environmental outcomes. By putting the principles of the Accord into practice, better outcomes are expected to result for communities from collaboration across central and local government, community organisations, the private sector and citizens.

The Accord was developed by a joint community-government steering group co-chaired by Hori Awa and Don Gray.

“We are all awaiting the Signing Ceremony with great excitement” said Mrs Turia. “There will also be further opportunities to sign the accord at regional ceremonies over the next month; or to sign online’.