Localist introduces rewards for mobile check-in

Thursday 1 September 2011, 1:13PM

By Localist


Localist is introducing a new mobile "check-in" rewards programme for Aucklanders using its social guide and directory.

“There are a number of apps out there that offer location based search and find with check-in, but they’ve never offered a good incentive or reason,” says Localist Head of Marketing Sheryl Nichols.

Localist Version 1.3 adds check-ins to its existing Auckland information and directory service. It also integrates with Foursquare and Facebook Places, providing the ability to share check-ins and other content with wider social networks.

What makes Localist unique is that points earned for check-in reward participants through Localist’s loyalty programme called the100.

Users earn points for rating, reviewing and checking in at businesses, uploading photos and posting comments – both online and on mobile. Each month the top 100 points-scorers are in to win rewards such as prizes and access to exclusive events.

Users simply need to register with Localist to participate, and at the end of each month programme points are reset to give new users a chance to compete.

“Localist is about finding and sharing what’s good around here, and creating a social benefit from people talking up places and businesses that they love and recommend. It helps surface the best of Auckland and takes a positive approach to promoting our city.” Mrs Nichols said.

Localist offers iPhone and Android apps as part of its digital product suite. Businesses that list with Localist are automatically included in the online and mobile directory. Buyers of the Localist paid service can then use Localist to promote their products, services and offers using messages and posts.

Nichols said version 1.3 preceded other planned releases and innovation aimed at making Localist the best way to find and share information about Auckland and Auckland businesses.