Minister supports Kindness Day

Tariana Turia

Thursday 1 September 2011, 3:16PM

By Tariana Turia


Minister for the Community and Voluntary Sector Tariana Turia is pleased to support Random Acts of Kindness Day again in 2012.

“In the last 12 months New Zealand has experienced huge emotional trauma with the first of the Canterbury Earthquakes in September, the Pike River Mine disaster in November, and the February Earthquake. We’ve had international situations that have caused stresses for our citizens too, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami, and more recently the Norwegian terrorist attack where one of our whanau lost their mokopuna. These things have had a impact on our nation’s psyche” says Mrs Turia.

“We know from these events that New Zealanders are generous by nature when confronted with disaster or tragedy but let’s not wait for another event to display our acts of kindness. Today highlights that there are simple things we can do everyday that have a flow on effect for others; take your neighbour a cake; carry the mum’s groceries because she’s struggling with the kids; pay attention to the road workers on the roads; be courteous to the bus driver.”

“Community and volunteer groups are an important part of our communities and contribute on a whole to our nation's wellbeing, in many instances this work is unpaid or voluntary. Even if your random act of kindness today is a smile, make someone’s day with it”.