Ocean Beach Erosion

Dunedin City Council

Friday 2 September 2011, 1:01PM

By Dunedin City Council



Due to recent swell activity off Ocean Beach, there has been a drop in sand levels on the beach and erosion of the dune face, particularly in the area between The Esplanade, St Clair and Moana Rua Road, St Kilda.

There is a forecast increase in swell conditions at the end of this week, meaning there is the possibility of further erosion.

Contractors are removing overhanging sections of the dune to prevent it from falling onto the beach.

Due to the lowered sand level, the stairway from the gravel track, between the St Clair seawall and the tennis courts, has been closed and the lower sections removed. This section of the track may also be at risk of erosion during the predicted storm event and will be closely monitored.

Early next week, DCC staff and engineers will inspect the beach and arrange any necessary repair works.

We thank the public for their understanding and co-operation.