Enviroschools take action for Lyttelton
On Wednesday September 21, approximately 30 volunteers from the Enviroschools network around New Zealand are volunteering their time to help boost spirits in the Lyttelton community. The Enviroschools Foundation is holding a national hui at Living Springs and have added on an extra day to help out in the Lyttelton community.
Director of The Enviroschools Foundation, Heidi Mardon says that they felt choosing Lyttelton as the location for the September hui will give them a great opportunity to support colleagues, friends and the wider community in Canterbury.
“Enviroschools is a very action oriented programme, so we are delighted to be helping the Lyttelton community in a really practical way,” she says.
Kidsfirst Kindergartens Lyttelton, Busy C’s Preschool and Lyttelton West and Lyttelton Main Schools are all part of the Enviroschools Programme coordinated by Environment Canterbury.
Environment Canterbury’s Regional Enviroschools Coordinator, Andrea Taylor, says Enviroschools is about creating more sustainable, resilient communities.
“The Lyttelton community has been hard hit by recent events and we wanted to contribute something positive to the rebuild,” she says.
Volunteers will be working with students at each Enviroschool as well as at the community gardens; projects include spring garden maintenance, assisting with painting a mural at Lyttelton Main and painting the dental clinic at Lyttelton West.
A site adjacent to Lyttelton Main School is part of the ‘Greening Spaces Project’ where wild flowers will be sown and nurtured by children from Lyttelton Main School.
9.00 Volunteers gather outside Lyttelton Main School
9.15 Welcome, Lyttelton Main, Rapaki Marae kaumatua
9.45am Depart to various sites – Community Gardens, Lyttelton Kidsfirst Kindergartens, Greening Spaces
12.30 Gather for welcome at Lyttelton West School
12.45-1.30 kai
1.30 Activities at Lyttelton West School and Busy C’s Preschool
2.30 Sharing/reflection
3.00pm Students leave, however volunteers could continue if needed.
Sponsor: Mother Earth, who produces natural food products, has kindly sponsored this event enabling schools to receive funding assistance with their projects.