Civil Defence in Nelson Tasman – Time is Running Out to Have Your Say!
The chance to have your say on the region’s Civil Defence emergency plan is now into its last days.
Planning for Civil Defence in Nelson Tasman is currently being reviewed and residents and organisations are being urged to make their views known about how Civil Defence is organised in our community.
The draft Plan sets how our region’s Civil Defence prepares for, responds to and recovers from emergency events. It closes this Friday (23 September 2011).
Copies of the draft plan can be viewed at any Council office in Nelson City or Tasman District. Copies are also available at all Council libraries in Nelson City and Tasman District.
The draft Plan may also be viewed on the Civil Defence website (search phrase = group plan).
Submissions on the Plan are to be in writing and sent to:
- Nelson City Council, PO Box 645, Nelson 7040 or emailed to, or
- Tasman District Council, Private Bag 4, Richmond or email
Submissions can also be dropped off at Council offices throughout Nelson and Tasman, including Tasman District Council Service Centres in Motueka, Takaka and Murchison.
Submissions must be received no later than 4.00 pm this Friday 23 September 2011.
At a later date any person who has so requested shall be given the opportunity to speak in support of their submission.
For further information contact Roger Ball, Manager, Nelson Tasman Emergency Management, Phone 546 9500.