Careers are taking off at Auckland Airport

As part of the Tertiary Education Commission’s Gateway programme, four students from Otahuhu College are spending their Fridays gaining workplace experience at Auckland Airport.
The Gateway programme allows senior students to gain work experience at businesses through-out New Zealand, to help them make an informed choice about where to pursue their career.
For four weeks in September and October, the four Otahuhu College students head to the Airport each Friday and spend the day with Auckland Airport employees who help them learn about their role at the Airport.
Jacquie Brayshaw, Gateway Coordinator at Otahuhu College, says the Airport’s contribution to the Gateway programme has been invaluable. “The students were so excited to hear they were able to gain work experience at the Airport. So many of our students want careers in travel and tourism, so having the chance to spend time at the airport provides them with a great window of opportunity to consider their career choice.”
Lafi Loia and Andee Nanai, two of the Otahuhu College students, have both been placed with Auckland Airport operations officer Mark Wilson. On their first day ‘on the job’ the boys experienced a tour of the airport airside environment, including the runway, and were also lucky enough to be taken on-board for a tour of the world’s largest passenger jet, an Emirates A380.
“It was awesome – the whole day was really cool and my favourite part was going on the big plane,” says Andee, “Mike told us everything he does at the Airport and we learnt a lot from him. I’m really excited to go back next time!”
As for Mark, he believes the day was a huge success and promises that there is much more in the pipeline to show the boys during their remaining days at Auckland Airport. “The students have to make decisions shortly about what path they want to take after school. It’s fantastic be able to help them out with making that choice by giving them a better idea of what working at the Airport is like."