Labour's position on SAS in Afghanistan

Thursday 29 September 2011, 2:20PM

By Phil Goff


Labour Leader Phil Goff has today expressed his deepest sympathy and condolences to the family of Lance Corporal Leon Smith who was killed while serving his country in Afghanistan.

"He died fighting for his country and for what he believed in. His sacrifice will never be forgotten. We stand alongside his family, friends and Defence Force colleagues who are mourning his terrible loss,” Phil Goff said.

"Labour's position since late 2005 has been that the SAS should not be deployed in Afghanistan. That remains our view. A Labour Government will bring our SAS home and will not redeploy them to Afghanistan.

"New Zealand troops have now been in Afghanistan for as long as we were involved in World War I and II combined. It's time for them to come home.

"The fight in Afghanistan can only be won if the Government there wins the hearts and minds of its own people. That has not happened.

"With the deaths of Corporal Doug Grant and now Lance Corporal Leon Smith coming so tragically close together, our deployment in Afghanistan will be a matter of national debate.

"Today though, is a time to reflect on the sacrifice made by these two brave men and all of the other Kiwi soldiers whose lives have been cut short through war," Phil Goff said.