Brash Says Decision to Not Charge Burglary Victim Has Taken Far Too Long
Thursday 29 September 2011, 3:29PM
ACT Party Leader Don Brash has commended the Waitakere Police’s decision today to not charge the 15 year old who stabbed an intruder attempting to burgle his family’s home on 28 July, but said that the decision should never have taken this long.
“The right decision has finally been made, but I feel very sorry for the boy and his family who must have felt an incredible amount of uncertainty for the last two months.
“Of course I would never encourage anyone to unduly put themselves at risk in a burglary situation, but the fact remains that this boy was defending his family, and his family’s property, from an intruder.
“This decision should never have been in doubt. The only criminal in this situation was the intruder and he should face the full force of the law.
“ACT is the party of personal responsibility and we have always been tough on crime, so we believe very strongly that people should have the right to defend themselves and their property,” Dr Brash said.