Renwick Museum

Thursday 6 October 2011, 5:06PM

By Marlborough District Council



Councillor Francis Maher and Renwick Museum volunteer Angela Kennington examine the tools of trade of the 'chainmen'; the men who worked with early surveyors William Budge,

Cyrus Goulter and Joseph Ward to survey the Wairau in the late 1840s.

This original chain - 22 yards - was donated to the Renwick Museum by the Fairhall family whose forebear, Edward Fairhall, was one of the team of seven who began the survey.

The work of identifying and preserving historic objects and artefacts, like the survey chain, is an example of the projects that the District Council helps to fund through its heritage policy.

The Council has helped provide resources for the team of volunteers at the Renwick Museum who spend many hours researching and classifying the material in its collection.

Councillor Maher says the Council is currently calling for applications from organisations who are seeking funding to provide arts and heritage services to the region.