The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibition arrives in Aotearoa NZ
Thursday 13 October 2011, 9:13AM
On Monday night International speakers Paola Strozzi and Marina Castagnetti from Reggio Emilia, Italy Jan Millikan from Australia and other invited guests were welcomed in the form of a whakatau at St Cuthbert’s in Auckland. Christine Fletcher formally welcomed the exhibition to Auckland and The Hundred Languages of Children Exhibition & Conference was officially opened.
The atrium at St Cuthbert’s is filled with larger than life panels and spectacular installations that make visible the learning and thinking of children in Reggio Emilia.
Reggio is world renowned in the education sector for its principles which inspire teachers to think about the competencies that children bring to their learning, and is also a catalyst for thinking, research and advocacy in Aotearoa New Zealand educational settings.
“Time Magazine has always credited Reggio as the world’s leading early childhood system. It’s set of principles and values acknowledging children are capable and competent. It’s a different approach to education but it fits well with Te Whāriki, the New Zealand early childhood curriculum. “Says REANZ Spokesperson Lorraine Manuela.
Bringing The Hundred Languages of Children exhibition to New Zealand has been a vision of the Trustees of Reggio Emilia Aotearoa New Zealand (REANZ) for many years. This important exhibition reveals many insights into the teaching and learning practices from Reggio Emilia, Italy.
REANZ will be hosting a conference this week and the Exhibition is open from the 11th -19th October 2011. This event has many facets and includes a Conference; One Day Seminar; Exhibition; Free Public Lecture, and Evening sessions.
The exhibition is only $5 entry fee and is open to the public.
With over 700 members and growing, REANZ represents teachers from all areas of education who want to be challenged to explore and promote a greater understanding of the complexity and importance of listening to ‘the hundred languages of children’.
It is with great joy that REANZ welcomes the exhibition for the first time to Aotearoa/New Zealand. This is an event not to be missed!
To register and for more information visit