Kiwis vs Aussies once again!
Tuesday 18 October 2011, 9:20AM
This week, Kiwis have the chance to defeat our across-the-ditch neighbours once again – but this time with a hairier team.
The TUX NZ Sheep Dog Trial Association Trans Tasman Test Series has arrived in Auckland and will – for the first time – be held centre-city, at Auckland City Domain. Locals and out-of-towners alike can come and enjoy a bit of rural Kiwi culture, as they watch dogs working sheep in the middle of town!
The tense TUX Test Series – this year held at the Rural Sports Competition in the Real NZ Festival – consists of one Australian team, and one team from New Zealand, each with four men and four dogs.
The test course consists of four challenges:
1. Cast or outrun to head: the dog is sent out to ʻlift the sheepʼ or get them under control, in order to start moving them through the course.
2. The Maltese Cross: a series of gates in a cross shape, that the dog has to move the sheep through.
3. The Bridge: the dog guides the sheep across a bridge, with as little deviation from the line as possible.
4. The Pen: the dog and handler have to get all the sheep into the yard as seamlessly as possible.
The winning team will have completed the course with the least variation from the ʻperfectʼ run, and will be announced after Thursdayʼs test series.Though Kiwis donʼt love sheep as much as our cheeky neighbours might suggest, itʼs no secret that these animals are a fine symbol of our down-toearth Kiwi culture. Bring the kids and a picnic, and come along in your countryʼs colours to support your team, and experience farm-fun first hand. Will we force the Aussies to admit defeat, once again?
Event details
What: TUX NZ Sheep Dog Trial Association Trans Tasman Test Series
When: Wednesday 19th & Thursday 20th October
Time: 1.30pm
Where: Auckland Domain, Domain Drive, Grafton