Council approves permanent alcohol bans in Riccarton/Ilam and Okains Bay

Christchurch City Council

Thursday 27 October 2011, 5:27PM

By Christchurch City Council


Okains Bay Ban Area
Okains Bay Ban Area Credit: Christchurch City Council
Riccarton/Ilam Ban Area
Riccarton/Ilam Ban Area Credit: Christchurch City Council


The Christchurch City Council today approved two amendments to its Alcohol Restrictions in Public Places Bylaw 2009 to include Riccarton/Ilam and Okains Bay beach and reserve area to its list of permanent alcohol ban areas in Christchurch.

The Riccarton/Ilam permanent ban will be a 24 hours a day, seven days a week alcohol ban in all public spaces and all roads controlled by the Council in the area enclosed by Blenheim Road, Curletts Road, Peer Street, Waimairi Road, Greers Road, Memorial Avenue, Fendalton Road, Deans Avenue and back up to Blenheim Road and including University Drive but excluding the other private roads on University of Canterbury property.

The permanent ban will come into effect immediately after the expiry of the temporary alcohol ban in the area that is in place until 30 November 2011.

The Okains Bay beach and reserve area permanent ban will be a ban from 31 December to 1 January each year in the area of Okains Bay beach and Okains Bay road as indicated on the map.

The bans make it illegal to either drink or carry an open container of alcohol in public places during the prescribed times (at all times for Riccarton/Ilam and from 31 December to 1 January for Okains Bay) and people who breach the ban may be arrested and charged.

The two areas have been included in the scheduled list of alcohol ban areas in and around the city by the adoption of two amendments bylaws: Alcohol Restrictions in Public Places amendment (Riccarton/Ilam) Bylaw 2011 and Alcohol Restrictions in Public Places amendment (Okains Bay) Bylaw 2011.

The Riccarton/Ilam permanent ban comes into effect on 1 December 2011 and is 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Okains Bay Road ban starts at 5pm on 31 December and ends at 7am on 1 January.