Ashburton Zone Committee meeting

Wednesday 2 November 2011, 2:37PM

By Environment Canterbury



The Ashburton Zone Committee will meet on Wednesday, 3 November, at the Council Chambers in Ashburton.

At the meeting, the zone committee will receive a presentation on the Eiffelton Community Irrigation Scheme and then be updated on water security in the zone by one of the committee’s working groups.

Following this, the committee will look at the Ashburton River Plan and this includes a presentation from Rakaia Diversion Race Management Limited.

The zone committee will also review its draft ZIP which recently closed for public feedback. The draft ZIP recommends actions, responsibilities and time-frames for activities to help achieve the principles, targets and goals set out in the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS). The draft ZIP has been developed following numerous committee meetings and extensive stakeholder and community engagement to gather information about the region’s water resource. Community feedback meetings were also held in September and around 60 people turned up to discuss the recommendations.

At Thursday’s meeting the committee will review the feedback provided by the community and update the draft ZIP before submitting it to Ashburton District Council and Environment Canterbury in early December.

The Asburton Zone Committee is a joint committee of the Ashburton District Council and Environment Canterbury. The Ashburton zone extends from the Rakaia River to the Rangitata River and includes Ashburton, Rakaia and Methven.

The Members of the Ashburton Zone Committee are: Arapata Reuben (Tuahuriri), Terrianna Smith (Taumutu), Karl Russell (Arowhenua), Gordon Guthrie, Greg Roadley, Sheryl Stivens, Matthew Hall, Ben Curry and Donna Field, as well as Ashburton District Councillor Neil Brown and Environment Canterbury Commissioner David Caygill.

Meeting information

Ashburton Zone Committee meeting
9.00 am, Thursday 3 November 2011
Council Chamber, 5 Baring Square West, Ashburton

Read the agenda (665kB)