Hundertwasser model at Town Basin

Saturday 5 November 2011, 7:56PM

By Whangarei District Council



The model of the proposed Hundertwasser Art Centre for Whangarei is currently on display at Te Manawa, The Hub at the city’s Town Basin until November 19.

The 1:50 scale model of the project to remodel the former Northland Harbour Board building at the Town Basin has been on display at Kawakawa and Kerikeri for several weeks.

Austrian-born artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser, a resident of Northland, sketched his plans to “cure” the building at the Town Basin to be more in harmony with nature and the creativity of mankind in 1993, and the model has been constructed based on those designs.

The architectural makeover for the building features an afforested roof, Hundertwasser’s distinctive sweeping curves and use of colour and a gleaming onion dome.

On November 19 the model will be taken to Kaikohe for display before returning to Te Manawa, The Hub next month.

Whangarei District Council will consult the community on the art centre project within the consultation process for the 2012-2022 Long Term Plan beginning in March next year.