Enviroschools Canterbury Award Ceremony
Enviroschools Canterbury invites media to the 2011 Enviroschools awards ceremony.
At this presentation schools to be acknowledged in receiving a silver award are Lyttelton Main School and schools receiving bronze awards are Leeston, West Melton, Burnside Primary, Loburn and Duvachelle.
“This is an opportunity for schools to celebrate and be acknowledged for their achievements towards creating a more sustainable school community,” said Enviroschools Canterbury Co-ordinator Andrea Taylor.
Media are welcome to attend the awards ceremonies or speak to the schools for details of projects.
Thursday, November 17, 2011, 1:30-3:00pm
Our Lady of Fatima School, 370 Innes Road, Mariehau, Christchurch
David Caygill, Environment Canterbury Commissioner, Hon Kate Wilkinson, Minister of Conservation, Mark Alexander, Selwyn District Council Councillor Peter Hill, Selwyn District Council Councillor, Claudia Reid, Christchurch City Councillor.
For more information on the national Enviroschools programme and awards scheme, go to http://www.enviroschools.org.nz 2011 Enviroschools Canterbury Awards.
Silver Awards | Key Contact |
Lyttelton Main School | Rachel Cummins, 03 328 8309 |
Bronze Awards | Key Contact |
Leeston School | Lynda Taylor, 03 324 3493 |
West Melton School | Sue Jackson, 03 347 8448 |
Burnside Primary | Viola Kalauta, 03 351 0407 |
Loburn School | Stuart Priddy, 03 312 8828 |
Duvauchelle | Jan Wallace, 03 304 5722 |