Grape Vine Sculpture Expo Winner
Friday 18 November 2011, 8:29AM
By Te Mania & Richmond Plains Wines
David Carson has won New Zealand’s first grape vine sculpture exhibition organised and held at Te Mania and Richmond Plains cellar door. Carson’s 5 metre ‘canoe’ was selected from over 22 sculptures by popular public vote. In reward for his creative endeavours he has won 2 cases of Te Mania and Richmond Plains wines worth $500.
“All the artists did a wonderful job. They put in many hours of work to twist, bend, curve, braid and cajole vines into fantastic creative sculptures”, says Lars Jensen owner of Richmond Plains.
Lloyd Harwood of the Arts Council Nelson which helped organise this event says “This is a wonderful initiative to bring artists and the public together in a fun creative collaboration. Sculptures are on display at the cellar door till the new year and many are for sale which would make a great feature indoors or outdoors.”
Te Mania and Richmond Plains also constructed the world’s largest grapevine rugby ball to celebrate the 2011 Rugby World Cup. In addition Te Mania also released a special limited edition “Big Balls” Syrah.
As its name suggests, “this is a ballsy wine which shows deep purple red colour and intense aromas of black fruits, spices and white pepper” says Jon Harrey owner of Te Mania. “The palate is tightly bound like a good front row with fine grained tannins, rich dark berry fruit, and white pepper flavours.”
“A perfect accompaniment to roast Springbok, BBQ Wallaby or to wash down any English puddings. Not to mention Coq au Vin” said Jon.
A case of Big Balls has been despatched to All Black Captain Ritchie McCaw to congratulate him and the team on their World Cup Victory. “They certainly showed big balls to win the world cup” Jon said with a chuckle