Banks Peninsula Zone Committee invites locals to have say on water
The Canterbury Water Banks Peninsula Zone Committee wants to hear from locals about water management in the area.
The zone committee is one of ten established under the Canterbury Water Management Strategy (CWMS) to work with local communities to develop water management programmes.
The committee is holding three public meetings in late November and early December to introduce its members to the community and get feedback from local people.
Shelley Washington, Banks Peninsula Zone Committee Coordinator, said the committee is looking forward to engaging with people who are passionate about water and Banks Peninsula.
“How we manage water is a key factor influencing our quality of life and prosperity both now and for future generations. We simply have to get it right. We have only one chance as the decisions we make now will affect water management for the foreseeable future.
“Over the coming months we will be working hard investigating and exploring options for the on-going sustainable management of this precious natural resource. Our first task is to talk to locals to learn more about the resource in the area and get their ideas and opinions on water management.
“Under the CWMS it is crucial that everyone who has an interest has a chance to have their say and provide feedback. These community meetings will help to ensure our recommendations genuinely reflect the needs and wishes of our communities,” she said.
Over the coming months the Banks Peninsula Zone Committee will have regular meetings, go on field trips to see and discuss issues, engage in debate, review research, listen to experts, and as a group come to a consensus on a programme of water management.
The committee will bring the recommendations together in the form of a Zone Implementation Programme (ZIP) which will be presented to Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council. Prior to this the community will be asked to comment on priorities for water management in the zone and they will also have a chance to provide feedback on the draft ZIP before it is presented to councils.
The Banks Peninsula Zone Committee consists of five community members, four Rūnanga representatives, and appointees from Environment Canterbury and Christchurch City Council.
Meeting Details (all 7-9pm)
Monday 28 November - Living Springs auditorium, Bamfords Road, Allandale, Lyttelton
Tuesday 29 November - Little River Rugby Clubrooms, Main Road, Little River
Tuesday 6 December - Gaiety Hall, Rue Jolie, Akaroa
To attend one of the meetings please let Bronwyn Hardaker know by phoning 03 365 3828 or emailing