Marlborough Celebrating 150 Years

Thursday 24 November 2011, 8:01PM

By Marlborough District Council



“Marlborough Celebrating 150 Years” is the latest addition to our provincial histories.

Edited by Cynthia Brooks with contributions from more than 200 people, the book documents the events, the characters and the development of the district, concentrating particularly on the 75 years leading up to 2009.

Mayor Alistair Sowman says it’s a very accessible social history, with many photographs, crossing a wide range of subject matter and it will be a valuable record for Marlborough for the generations ahead.

The book is on sale at Council and through Bookworld, Perry’s Book and Map Shop, the Magazine Shop, Paper Plus and Take Note in Picton.

It can also be ordered online:


The book is available in paperback or hardcover, and a special leather-bound edition may be ordered.

A great Christmas gift for anyone with connections to Marlborough