Fairhall School Goes Green Gold

Thursday 24 November 2011, 8:21PM

By Marlborough District Council



Fairhall School recently achieved the highest award in Enviroschools, Green Gold.

Fairhall has been an Enviroschool for six years and before that was involved in a number of environmental education projects.

Fairhall School created a vision to bring the tui back to their school. This has led them to develop a stunning native garden, complete with bridge. They have worked on units around Kaitiakitanga to learn how to look after and preserve their environment. They have developed an edible garden, planned an orchard and learnt about seasonal eating with their Paddock to Plate unit.

They have come up with some creative solutions to waste problems such as a very inventive apple corer and peeler.

They have embarked on new projects like “KanTabs for Kidney Kids” with the Lions Club and the Tui to Town Council project, which are not just school-based, but community-focused.

And they are not content to stop there. With the help of Council they are starting a new Green Leaders group for year 9 students in 2012, so that