Survey shows high use of kerbside recycling service

Tuesday 29 November 2011, 1:47PM

By Hastings District Council



A survey conducted for the Hastings District Council shows 74.5% of residents regularly participate in kerbside recycling.

The survey was completed in September and October and involved 200 homes on each of the Flaxmere, Havelock North, Coastal Communities, Central and Urban Hastings recycling routes. A total of 1000 properties were surveyed each week over a five week period.

Waste Minimsation officer Dominic Salmon says “The survey has shown that a high number of Hastings District residents are participating in kerbside recycling on a weekly basis.  However, that doesn’t mean the remaining 26% of residents are not involved. Those people may choose to drop off their material at a recycling centre.”

Mr Salmon says “The survey also showed that 75% of the households that put out recycling on a weekly basis included plastic, 70% included paper, 68% glass and 40% metal. Another pleasing result from the survey was that residents appear to have a good understanding of what can and can’t be recycled. There was a low incidence of contaminants such as window glass, polystyrene and textiles being placed at the gate for recycling.”

“The results of this survey reinforce how the kerbside recycling service is growing in popularity. The regions recycling depots are also experiencing strong growth with Martin Place in Havelock North showing an increase of 300% since 2006.”

Hastings District and Napier City Council’s are currently working on the development of a Waste Management and Minimisation Plan which will determine how waste and recycling is dealt with over the next six years. “These results will provide both councils with a better understanding of residents recycling requirements and will assist with waste planning for the future,” Mr Salmon says.

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