Max Cryer to visit Old Library

Friday 2 December 2011, 11:21PM

By Whangarei District Council



New Zealand identity Max Cryer will be at Whangarei’s Old library at 12.15pm on December 15, promoting and signing copies of his latest book Preposterous Proverbs – Why fine words butter no parsnips.

Whangarei Libraries Manager Paula Urlich said the library was proud to be able to host Max and his new book that analyses the meaning and truth of a vast array of proverbs from around the world. Proverbs on birth, food,women and love, rub shoulders with others on money, animals, sin and death.

“He is a well known national identity and many of our members found his book ‘The Godzone Dictionary’ very entertaining and informative. He is a very entertaining speaker too, so we are all looking forward to his visit.”

Max Cryer is a language expert with many years’ experience of researching and writing on the subject. A well-known broadcaster and entertainer, he hosts a weekly radio slot on quirks of the English language.

In a long career, he has been a schoolteacher, a compere and television host, as well as a performer on the opera stage in London and in cabaret in Las Vegas and Hollywood.

He is warmly remembered by Whangarei people for his performance as the King of Siam several decades ago in the Whangarei Town Hall.

Now a full-time writer living in Auckland, he has written many books, including Who Said That First?, Love Me Tender and The Godzone Dictionary among the proverbs in the book are ‘a thousand men cannot undress a naked man’, ‘a dry finger cannot pick up salt’, ‘fools and scissors must be carefully handled’ and ‘a fat spouse is a quilt for the winter’.

For full details about this event, visit the Whangarei Libraries website. (Link follows)

Whangarei Libraries (opens in a new window)