Increased support for ALCP gains $1000 bonus

Saturday 10 December 2011, 7:46PM

By Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party


The Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party are celebrating increasing their support in the general election.

After election night ALCP had only one vote more than in the 2008 election but with official results out today the party was boosted up to 11, 738 party votes.

Thats will be enough to see the party returned $1000 by the electoral commission.

ALCP candidate Jeff Lye beat Mana's Sue Bradford in Waitakere.

ALCP candidate Emma-Jane Kingi gained 4% of the vote in Te Tai Tonga.

In Dunedin North the ALCP candidate came fourth, ahead of the ACT and United Future candidates.

In the Mana electorate ALCP candidate Richard Goode beat the ACT candidate.

ALCP is the strongest party outside parliament apart from the Conservative Party, who spent $1.5 million on their campaign.

ALCP is the only party to contest every election and by-election since the introduction of MMP in 1996.

Wellington barrister and party leader Michael Appleby, who has led the party since 1996, said ALCP would continue to contest every election until cannabis became legal.

He thanked everyone who voted for the ALCP.

Mr Appleby noted that FSANZ was now advocating ALCP policy regarding hemp seed foods.