How to live in peace after cancer diagnosis

Thursday 15 December 2011, 9:33AM

By Jasmina Kovacev, BSc



A unique emotional and mental healing retreat for those affected by cancer and their supporters will be held at Mana Retreat Centre at Coromandel, New Zealand, from 11th to 18th January.

The video link explains all details of the retreat and why we get sick:

We live today in a fast paced world, full of different pressures. The majority of people are not aware of the real impact of emotional conflicts. At the same time the conservative American Medical Association says that 85% of all health issues start at the emotional level, other experts are saying it is much higher than that.

Our sensitivity level has increased due to social, environmental and emotional stressors. It is not only change in diet that contributes to it, but the number of stressors that modern life brings, combined with increased sensitivity level. Cancer is in rise in the whole world.

Cancer accounted for 1% of all deaths in New Zealand in 1900, and in 2011 it is 29%. Breast cancer is leading with its occurrence.

Newer approaches to supporting cancer are often related to the diet and not much attention is given to emotional and mental healing. Diet has its important place but without emotional peace and a positive attitude, it is much harder to bring balance back to the body.

Cancer has its reasons for being there. It is not an enemy that is waiting to get us , but a final sign of needed change. Once we understand why we get cancer and bring balance back to the emotional and mental level, with some basic dietary changes and life style changes, we can create a condition for spontaneous healing that is the birth right of every human being.

The leader of this retreat is Jasmina Kovacev, BSc, of Peak Performance Studio from New Zealand. She gave a key note speech at the First NZ EFT and Kinesiology Conference in Wellington (August, 2011.) on Emotional Support for People Affected by Cancer. During the retreat various approaches to mind - body health will be used. The underlying emotional cause of each participant's cancer is addressed, while the body is nurtured with healthy organic vegetarian food choices.

Participants learn crucial coping skills, so when they return to their environment they are more resilient to different impacts of their environment. This whole package enables every single participant to have as normal a life as possible regardless of their diagnosis, creating conditions that give self healing the greatest chance.

Finally New Zealanders do not need to travel overseas to experience similar but still very different approach that contributes to their healing.

“Emotional and mental healing is of extreme importance regardless of what stage one with the cancer is and regardless at what kind of the treatment one is.“ says Jasmine Kovacev, BSc, EFT expert and trainer, Personal performance and health coach