Triple dedication ceremony at Library

Thursday 15 December 2011, 6:37PM

By Rotorua District Council



A triple dedication ceremony was held at Rotorua District Library today recognising two outstanding Rotorua citizens and three taonga recently gifted to the Rotorua District Council.

Reverend Tom Poata performed the blessings, which were attended by library and council staff, councillors and invited guests.

The Family History Room on the second floor of the library was dedicated to recently deceased NZ Services Librarian Mary Ellen Wilson.

Library marketing & promotions officer Sue Heke said Ms Wilson, who worked at the library for 25 years, was a very experienced reference librarian with a particular strength in the Family History area.

"Library staff and management were keen to recognise Mary Ellen’s unwavering enthusiasm and commitment to her profession where she helped so many people with their research."

A plaque was blessed in the Don Stafford Research Room to honour the late Rotorua historian. The room has carried Don Stafford's name for a number of years, and houses many of his books, files and notes on Rotorua’s history.

"Like Mary Ellen, Don’s commitment to others by sharing his knowledge and expertise has helped a wide range of people to further their own knowledge."

Three locally carved pou which were gifted from Housing New Zealand now stand proudly inside the library.

The government department offered the three carvings to Rotorua District Council when they could no longer accommodate the pou following Housing New Zealand's relocation from its Arawa Street offices.

"The library felt privileged to be able to take over custodianship of these three beautiful taonga and offer a site where many people can see and enjoy them," says Mrs Heke.