Saddle Hill Quarry
There has been a mediation process between representatives for the Council and representatives for the owners and operators of the Saddle Hill Quarry. While progress was made in understanding the issues, a successful resolution has not be achieved.
The Council had previously applied to the Court to seek clarity over the extent of quarrying that can be undertaken. The application was suspended while mediation was progressing. The Council has considered the process to date and decided the application to the Environment Court will be reactivated.
The purpose of applying to the Environment Court remains unchanged. It is to identify and clarify any legal rights under a resource consent or existing use rights. The Council’s primary goal is to recognise that the skyline of the hill is important and should be protected from change.
The Environment Court is being asked to determine what is lawful. The application recognises that some quarrying may be undertaken but without compromising the skyline.
In reactivating the process, it is anticipated that a decision from the Environment Court might be expected midway through 2012. In leading up to this point, it is expected that the agreed interim restrictions to protect the skyline will continue while the matter is resolved.