Family violence rise in Taranaki - Tariana Turia

Tariana Turia

Wednesday 21 December 2011, 8:35AM

By Tariana Turia



MP for Te Tai Hauauru, and Chair of the Ministerial Committee on Family Violence, Tariana Turia, is concerned to learn about an increasing number of family violence complaints being received by the New Plymouth family violence prevention co-ordinator.

“I’m not singling Taranaki out – but it is in my electorate and so of course the ten percent increase each year since 2008 has come to my attention”.

"In some ways it may just signal exactly how effective the family violence prevention campaign is, if you interpret the data to mean families have more confidence that action will take place if violence is reported”.

“But the key thing for me, is that five days out from Christmas, it’s a big wake-up call to us all – that the stress associated with this time of year is adversely impacting upon whanau”.

“It’s time to remember – Christmas is a time to renew our faith; to strengthen our commitments; to cherish the time we have with our families".

“Christmas was never intended to be commodified into a season of sales and purchases; of parties, and alcohol, and all too often the violence that follows.

“I want to praise all of those amazing providers who are working closely with our families, to help them manage their finances, to support them through times of stress, and to enable them to find other strategies to cope when tempers flare.

“This time of year is a time of great celebration and of enduring love- a time to be together with our families and friends, and to enjoy doing things together. Let’s return to the real reason for the season”.