AMRF Awards over $1.8million to Auckland Researchers in its Latest Grant Round
Thursday 22 December 2011, 2:44AM
By Auckland Medical Research Foundation
The Auckland Medical Research Foundation (AMRF) announced today $1,864,982 in funding tomedical researchers in Auckland in its December 2011 grant round.
Foundation Executive Director Kim McWilliams says, “From our beginnings, we have promotedresearch of high scientific value and purpose across the full spectrum of medical science. Many ofthese researchers already have and will go on to become leaders and internationally recognised in their particular discipline or field of medicine. This round again saw applications from emergingscientists rise to record levels, and our response has been to fund six rather than the usual fourResearch Fellowships and Scholarships.
”The grants included 9 successful research projects ($1,029,113), two Postdoctoral Fellowship($339,049) to Dr Valerie Anderson and Dr David Musson, four Doctoral Scholarships ($482,000), 5travel grants ($12,820) for researchers to present their research overseas, and one Sir DouglasRobb Memorial Fund ($2000) to fund a communication and outreach initiative. Research grants were awarded over a variety of research areas ranging from cancer, diabetes, stem cell,rheumatoid arthritis, skin grafts, and robotic assisted physiotherapy.
Research project summaries overleaf
The AMRF is a major independent funding agency and Charitable Trust that provides contestable funding for medical research based in the greater Auckland region. Over the past 55 years the AMRF has distributed over $40 million in funding to a wide range of research activities - $3.3milliondistributed in 2010 alone.
For further information on the current grants awarded and application forms for future grant roundssee our website at