Christmas Message From The Mayor

Thursday 22 December 2011, 2:17PM

By Marlborough District Council


Mayor Alistair Sowman
Mayor Alistair Sowman Credit: Marlborough District Council


It’s been a testing year for many businesses and families in Marlborough and I am sure that Christmas is going to give us all a very welcome break.

I will be spending Christmas with my family at home and I hope you are all able to share the day with people you care about; to give and receive gifts and good wishes and join together for a special meal.

Christmas is particularly a time for children and our older generations.

Can I make a special request to you all to include those who are alone or isolated from their own families this Christmas; a small gift or a shared meal can mean so much.

It has been a very tough year for some. We remember our friends and family in the south who have endured sad times with the earthquake. Do whatever you can to show solidarity and compassion to those who are still struggling. Please think of those who may be having difficulty making ends meet or dealing with bereavement.

Remember that even a small kindness can help to make this a memorable Christmas for those who have little.

May I give a special message of thanks to those within our community who will be working this Christmas – the police and ambulance drivers, the health team at Wairau Hospital, all those who keep our essential services going.

A safe and happy Christmas to you all.